Monday, July 4, 2011

A Simple Relieves That Came From Simplest Gesture

Let's talk about relieve, being relieved. I've just knowing that i'm (finally) graduated from architecture study. It's been a long time, and i'm not a goodie-goodie student, so that's mean i felt like a more and a half reason was definitely my fault. I'm not gonna pissed off/blaming to everyone else right now (even there's a lot of 'bad-ass' should be blamed), i'm just relieved, and...happy.

And remembering all the good things, especially from my college's pal, it's funny though, some of them playing backstabbing at me, some of them really...really...kind to me, it's funny, it's the reality. But i've must say that my college phases was way more interesting and also better than senior high life. Architecture itself sounds interesting than my days at science class, right on. And speaking about relieve, there's kind memory of it. It started when i got cough, bad cough in the theory-based class (i've forgot the subject's). And my pal just being a gentlemen that day (err...he always kind to me) for give me cure, spontaneously. It's Fisherman's Friend original that is. I know that it's just a simple gesture, but how kind is that? Not the pastilles, but more a gesture that i'd appreciated. My friend is a nice guy though, even a lot of the crazy 'backstabber' have been a sore loser by gossiping a false statements about him (and how dare they called them self a 'kind-and-loving' person), hypocrite much???

Yup, the pastilles has a bitter-herbal tasted, and i promise you that if you in a normal condition, i bet you don't even touch it. But because i've got cough, it gives instant relieves when i sucked it, and after that, it becomes my regular cure/saver i put on in my pocket. The last time i bought Fisherman's Friend, it came by the tiny tin box to keep all the pastilles fresh. And the jolly part, it's so retro london. Mine has a big red double-decker pic, really chic for just an container. So relieving, for me not just a physical approach, but more a simple gesture comes from a gentle heart, it's not complicated or materialistic kinda thing, just a relieve matters.  

PS: I would like to thanked Mr. James Lofthouse and my pal with a gentle heart for gives me a wonderful, simple yet instant relieves, YOU GUYS ROCK!

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