Thursday, June 9, 2011

As We Sings Long Live The Coke King

Call me a freak, but i've used to be anti-coke person back when i was a kid. It's a weird sensation when i first tasted it, i've described it as a 'ant-bite-in-your-mouth' tingle sensation. And i was 7 yrs old that time, yes, the era of 90's, Mc'D and Coke love affair like romeo and juliet, gen-x populated the world, and i'm still a weirdo 'cause i can't swallowed all the good trends back then, simply pathetic. And my great sense of coca-cola phobic stil growth until the end of my elementary studies. I'm very like the vanilla milkshake person, more gentle, and kinder than myself right now, you know, age of innocence.

Coca-cola itelf has been the symbol of teenage lifestyle, the glory king of soft drinks for all time. There's many competitor battled for that title, but the red-white-black flag still waving proudly right now. When i'm in high school, we've had trip to the coke's factory in Cibinong, West Java, near our school. Lovely, how the fact of simple coca fruit made all the magic happens (not forget the fizzy-bubbly CO2 as chemical mantra), and the fruit has been a traditional cure for headache, how practically genius! Right now, i'm cured for my cokephobia (thank goodness), and i'm really enjoyed the magic black drinks paired with cheese pizza, the sensation of oh-my-gosh, perfectly mated. And to think of that, i'm saved by my late bloomers syndrome from being child obese, for too much coke in their childhood's innards.

As for my great appreciation to the king of coke, i'm taking regards to snap a great army of retro cocazoids. It's located in a fancy restaurat "Mari Sini" (Come Here...!), in Supermal Karawaci, Tangerang, Jakarta. The fun is, the coke's liquid still attached inside retro bottle for a very long time, so...i don't think it's still drinkable, it's just a feast for your eyes only. The bottle itself gave myself a huge inspirations; making wall for my bedroom with that seems reasonable (and cooler) i think, or gLAZY (glass + lazy) chair, or a giant cokezilla guardian statue, oh yeah there will be so much ideas. the gen-x goes sing, always coca-cola!!! 

PS: Did you spot their commander, standing amused on the frontline, SHORTIE!

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